What the Center Does

Centre d'Acceuil Akany Fitahiany provides primary and secondary education to more than 150 children. Alex works with a team of 17 people, they are teachers, cooks and social workers.

Funds allowing, all children get a meal per day and milk in the morning.

Playing time
There are a lot of small, young streetchildren (between 2 to 5). They're looked after in the center.

Host families for the night
For those children who do not have a home, Alex and his team finds host families who live near the center, that are willing to provide a bed for a child. The children only sleep there, during the say they stay at the center.

Income generating activities
Alex is trying to generate some income to make the center less dependent on gifts. He older children learn how to sew and knit. They're making small items that can be sold but the center really needs some other income generating ideas for sustainability